Five Minutes with Abby, the Mastermind Behind CoolKits

Kids are facing more stress and pressure than ever before, just ask 10-year-old Abby who likes to hide in small dark spaces, swing high, read fantasy novels and is autistic.

As Abby’s work with her therapist continued, she began to collect a bag full of small toys that made her feel safe and secure. Fidgets, a squeeze ball, notebook and essential oils all ended up in one little convenient bag.

Being autistic for Abby means seeing the world as sometimes bright and noisy and communicating can be tricky because reading people was sometimes difficult.

“When I went to school, I was really sensitive and didn’t share my ideas,” said Abby.

“I felt like everyone was teasing me. But looking back, they were trying to be nice, and I read too much into things and I didn’t understand a lot of their communication”.

Abby started to work with a therapist where she was given an array of coping tools aimed at regulating her emotions.

“I didn’t want to share much with the therapist at first,” admitted Abby “But when I got acquainted with her, she showed me lots of tools”.

Abby says knowing that she is autistic made it easier to find tools to help her manage her sensory information. Sensory overload and communicating was difficult, to begin with, but a range of therapies and tools made life a lot easier.

“I was taught how to analyse how people talk and tone of their voice and if they are saying something bad or if it’s me being sensitive,” said Abby “Once I got the hang of using the right tools at the right time, everything became easier.”

As Abby’s work with her therapist continued, she began to collect a bag full of small toys that made her feel safe and secure. Fidgets, a squeeze ball, notebook and essential oils all ended up in one little convenient bag.

“I kept things that really helped me in my little bag that I bought in Disneyland and carried it when I needed it and I could always find my useful things when I needed them,” said Abby.

And it wasn’t long before Abby’s bag of toys became popular with friends.

“I had so many of my friends asking if they could use it,” she added.

And this is where the idea of CoolKits was born.

CoolKits are easy to carry packs for kids that contain all the tricks for them to self soothe and control their emotions and anxiety.

“When we were picking a name for our packs, we thought that these kits help you come back to cool, calm and collected, so, we have called them Coolkits”.

Click here for more information and to purchase your very own kit.

07 Oct

How CoolKits Can Help Manage Stress

CoolKits was created by one family with anxiety and sensory challenges to help anyone with the

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