We are the Kerry’s! A neurodivergent family with a history of Autism, Fragile X syndrome, FXTAS, FXAND FXPOI, Dyslexia among other things. In our journey of discovering how to function in a world that is loud and confusing, our daughter Abby found some things that help her emotional regulation.

We learned about the zones of regulation from many of our therapists, and we aim for the ‘green zone’. This is where we are calm, engaged, able to communicate and learn. We also understand that just like traffic lights, our emotions can change, that humans can be angry in the “red zone”, bouncing off the walls in the “orange zone”, or flat as a tack in the “blue zone”.

CoolKits were built over many years, though we didn’t know we were building them at the time. We had done years of therapy to try and help our daughters to live in a bright and noisy world. We had a dream to visit Disneyland, with both of our girls and in 2018 we gathered some of our tools and our family and went to Disneyland.

Here Abby bought herself a little bag to keep her treasures in. As she grew and changed, the bag continued to be the home for all the items she used to regulate her emotions. Fidgets, a squeeze ball, notebook and pen, the essential oils she found calming, a little toy, all ended up in one little convenient bag.

As a kind and thoughtful person, Abby’s dream to achieve emotional regulation for herself led her to believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be green. As a family, we agreed.

CoolKits were born from one girls’ dream to achieve emotional regulation for herself, and being the kind and thoughtful person she is, that led her to believe that everyone should have the opportunity to be green.

We would like to share this discovery with you.

Our Mission

We build kits for assisting emotional
and physical regulation so people
can feel good in their own bodies,
to interact positively and to allow
people to be proactive in achieving
sensory balance.